Oratorio de Noël

The Oratorio de Noël, Opus 12, by Camille Saint-Saëns, also known as Christmas Oratorio, "in dimensions hardly exceeds the limits of a cantata, but musically is constructed in oratorio style."[1] "The Christmas Oratorio of Saint-Saens [sic] is a delightful substitute for endless Messiah performances."[2] While an organist at Madeleine, Saint-Saëns wrote the oratorio in less than a fortnight, completing it ten days before its premiere on Christmas 1858.[3]


  1. ^ p. 269, Upton (1890) George Putnam. Chicago The Standard Oratorios: Their Stories, Their music, and Their Composers; a handbook" A. C. McClurg and Company
  2. ^ p. 78, Van Horn (1979) James. Westport, Connecticut The Community Orchestra: A Handbook for Conductors, Managers and Boards Greenwood Press
  3. ^ p. 566, Smither (2000) Howard. Chapel Hill, North Carolina A History of the Oratorio: The Oratorio in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries" UNC Press books

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